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If you're on a paid plan your StableBuild bill is made up of three components:
Base subscription.
You can see your current base subscription on Dashboard > Billing. You can also view all your past invoices here, change your payment method, or cancel your subscription.
We charge for outgoing traffic (egress). Depending on your base subscription you'll have a certain amount of traffic included every month, any overages will be invoiced during your next billing cycle. You can see your traffic quota, usage, and overage pricing on Dashboard under "Usage this billing period".
Note: We count traffic when a download (e.g. a package from the OS repositories, or a layer from the Docker mirror) starts. Canceling a download thus still counts the complete file towards your quota.
To see raw traffic logs, go to Billing > Raw usage logs. Here you'll see each individual request, its size towards the traffic quote, and the API key that was used to request the file. If you see unexpected requests, this might be an indication that your API keys have leaked. In that case rotate your keys via Dashboard > Keys.
Storage overages are calculated nightly. E.g. using 1GB more than your quota, with overage pricing at $0.05/GB/month will be charged at ~0.00167$ per day.
To see storage usage go to File mirror > Cached files, or Docker mirror > Cached tags. Each file or Docker image shows the size as counted towards your storage quota.
To determine whether you can safely delete a file, you can use Billing > Raw usage logs to see if anyone is still requesting files or Docker images.
We charge for storage of files in the , and for images and blobs in the . We do not charge for storage of OS package registries and the PyPI mirror (as these are shared by all users). Depending on your base subscription you'll have a certain amount of storage included, any overages are calculated nightly, and will be invoiced during your next billing cycle. You can see your storage quota, usage, and overage pricing on Dashboard under "Usage this billing period".